Innovative Interiors Design Group -  Story

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Innovative Interiors has been designing beautiful functional spaces since 1997. We are a world-class interior design firm, nestled in the Caribbean, dedicated to transforming spaces through excellent design.  Technical expertise is combined with artistic vision and harnessed by Innovative Interior’s team of qualified interior designers, as well as specialist consultants, architects and industry partners.  This network of collaborating professionals, formed through twenty-two years of practice, includes architects, engineers, builders, artists, and artisans who share our vision.

Dedicated to uncovering the potential of a space, Innovative Interiors has transformed private villas, high-end hotels, gourmet restaurants, museums, retail stores, financial and commercial institutions and residential spaces into stunning, memorable and functional works of art.

Passionate and dedicated, Innovative Interiors has a solid track record for transforming spaces for both repeat and new clients.

Our mission is to sensitize the Caribbean to the necessity of using interior designers to plan and design all living and working spaces.

Great interior design is more than beautiful colours and room lighting – it is about creating a space that has a positive impact on your outlook, your level of inspiration, productivity, efficiency and even the way in which you interact with those around you.